
The creation of Zelin emanated from an original desire towards simplifying access to numerical simulation in order to be enable the greatest number of manufacturers to benefit from it. In one word, to “democratize” this expertise.
Today, Zelin is made up of experts (engineers, doctors, professors, etc.) who work in many fields such as aeronautics, space, transport or energy. We will help you in the development of your product through multi-physics numerical simulation and artificial intelligence, via our cloud-based platform.
The name Zelin is inspired from Zelos, a Greek deity who personifies emulation and zeal. Zelos is the brother of victory, power and strength. This divinity symbolizes the passion that drives us.
The Z in Zelin also takes reference from the Z generation, ultra-connected and enterprising!
Our values
Passion for Science

The Experts who work for Zelin have strong scientific knowledge. We all, being engineers and doctors, we do our job with passion. Beyond relational skills, we diligently select the Experts, in order to position ourselves on technical excellence.
Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is our priority. In fact, our customers give us an average satisfaction rating of 19.2/20. A testimonial from Gilles, Head of Department in Aeronautics, who told us: "Your offer, allowing rapid access to real experts while favoring an approach that is both innovative, flexible and open to reflection on real technical and industrial issues, is a precious asset for our structure."
Team spirit

Zelin is above all a close-knit and motivated team. We value continuous exchanges between each member of the group, which allows for the rapid dissemination of information and mutual aid on knowledge sharing. We also regularly engage in group challenges, such as preparing for and participating in a triathlon or table tennis championships.
Ethics and Green Thinking

Very sensitive to ethical and ecological approaches, Zelin promotes new ways of working, such as the enhancement of initiative, the adoption of good ecological practices and digital work. Zelin also allows its customers to develop innovative products, reducing their energy consumption. These combined actions contribute to a greener world.
Who are we?
Julien SenterCEO
Julien VitetCTO
Simon PolettiCIO
Robin CampetCQO
Julien Senter
Julien is Zelin’s CEO and co-founder. He holds a PhD from the École Centrale de Nantes and an ENSIAME’s engineering degree, he also completed the MBA-CPA at Toulouse Business School. He has always worked in the field of numerical simulation, a topic that always fascinates him. With over 15 years of working experience with manufacturers (large accounts, eti, SMEs, start-ups), with a recurring motto: customer satisfaction.
As a sport’s lover, he has embarked on a new challenge that’s open to all Zeliners, talking here of the Triathlon.
Zelin Hero
The inspiration from this legendary hero would be to be able to democratize access to our profession, and advanced numerical simulation, to as many people as possible. We sign with a “Z” which stands for Zelin!

Julien Vitet
Julien is the CTO and co-founder of Zelin. Trained as an ISAE-Supaero engineer and passionate about numerical simulation, he has been simulating all types of fluid flow for more than 6 years. Thanks to numerical simulation and his expertise, he solves the most diverse problems by providing tailor-made solutions to achieve the best possible performance.
Shaped by the sea and the wind of his native island of Oleron, he enjoys a lot of nautical activities. He is also the spearhead of the Zelin Triathlon Challenge.
Zelin Hero
His superpowers reside in his discernment, his thoroughness and his love for cutting-edge technologies. An ambition, to make Zelin, an online platform that would be as efficient as a Batcave in the cloud!

Simon Poletti
A graduate from ENSEEIHT in 2018, Simon is an aero-thermal engineer and a CIO at Zelin. Specializing in digital fluid mechanics, he works on various innovative industrial projects.
A bon vivant and “bell-tower rugby player”, Simon never misses an opportunity to showcase the products of his beloved region, Béarn.
Zelin Hero
Captain America
Like Captain America, Simon gives his best for the team, at work and on the sports field. In individual sports, he also excels and holds the first place in our table tennis championship.

Robin Campet
Robin is an aero-thermal engineer at Zelin. As an expert in numerical simulation and in fluid mechanics, he works on innovative projects. Being a graduate from INSA Rouen in 2015, Robin defended a thesis on the simulation and optimization of reactive flows before joining the Zelin adventure.
In his spare time, Robin trains in running (and more recently in swimming).
Zelin Hero
Robin (Batman)
Like Batman’s sidekick, Robin is skillful and never loses his sense of humor.

Arnaud de LatudeExpert Entrepreneuriat
Philippe PoulaillonExpert Business – Development
Denis Saint-JoanTrade Expert
Dominique SchmauchExpert Entrepreneuriat
Arnaud de Latude
Arnaud de Latude has a passion for entrepreneurship and the development of innovative projects. With his experience in business creation (he was the CEO of 3 SMEs in France and abroad), Arnaud coaches start-up projects, including Zelin.
Arnaud is also an instructor in entrepreneurship (BMC, lean startup, etc.) in schools and educational incubators.
Zelin Hero
Arnaud is the anti-hero who, with his quirky humor and his rich universe, brings many original and impactful ideas to Zelin.

Philippe Poulaillon
Philippe has always worked in a Business Development environment, either within large service groups or as a company creator and/or buyer. He thus offers Zelin his experience, and his energy as a developer.
Within Zelin, Philippe handles the Customer approach according to an original and unique method of his own creation.
Zelin Hero
With a foolproof retort, Philippe fully demonstrates the extent of his abilities when he puts on his business development expert costume, like Ironman with his armor.

Denis Saint-Joan
Denis Saint-Joan supports companies in their digital development and transformation projects. With more than 25 years of working experience in the digital field, he founded his company DSJ Consulting in 2014. As an expert in business strategy applied to new technologies, Denis studied at HEC Paris and Toulouse Business School (TBS) . It is in this area that he contributes towards Zelin’s adventure. Denis also works in Business Strategy at TBS since 2017 on the Grande École and Executive programs.
Zelin Hero
Denis shares Hulk’s unlimited strength, which he puts to work in his passion for rugby.

Dominique Schmauch
Dominique Schmauch holds a Master of Business Administration from HEC Paris, INAPG Engineer, as well as a master’s degree in applied mathematics. He has recently founded the firm known as Schmauch Conseil, an operational consultancy firm that specializes in entrepreneurial development issues. He contributes in Zelin’s board of directors by sharing with us his strategic excellence.
Dominique Schmauch is equally the author of several books on the support and management of changing companies, including:
- ‘Les conditions du leadership’ (L’Harmattan, 2005)
- He also contributed in the collective work “Leadership et management, être Leader, ça s’apprend’ (De Boeck, 2009)
Zelin Hero
Professeur X
Like the leader of X-mens, Dominique always carefully establishes the strategy to follow.

Our journey and our vision